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This is What Test Prep Looks Like

Shout out to these students. It's the end of June and everyone here could be sleeping in, going to the beach, hanging at a coffee shop or otherwise relaxing during summer.

Yet, these dedicated students are spending part of their summer break doing test prep.

Pictured here is Day 3 of a four-day workshop as part of the Summer Bridge program at York School in Monterey, CA. On this day, students are taking a full-length practice test. Students already learned key strategies on previous days. Now, they are seeing how they perform in a realistic practice setting.

Tomorrow we score their practice tests and design a study plan to continue the work of test preparation.

I'm humbled and honored to do this work with such curious, motivated and engaged students. Even though each and every student here fully grasps what test-optional and test-blind means, they have all committed to trying their best to increase their admission and scholarship opportunities. And they are doing it with energy and enthusiasm.

What a joy to work with students like this. It's weeks like this when my work doesn't feel like work.

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