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Register for NEW Winter Test Prep

Sign up now for CROSSWALK's NEW Winter Test Prep Program that starts January 9th.

What is new about this program?

Two things: 1) This is now a five-week program to ensure that students get all they need to improve their scores efficiently and effectively, and 2) We will spend time talking about strategies specific to the NEW digital SAT (as well as the ACT).

Other than that, the value is the same: learn key strategies for SAT and ACT, practice tests, execute your study plan and get all the information you need to get a good score.

Remember, "test-optional" doesn't tell the whole story. The real story is "submission-optional." So work on getting a good score and you can increase your admissions chances and scholarship opportunities.

And don't forget: financial aid is available. Just ask.

Contact CROSSWALK today. Register now.

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