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March Madness by Cost of Attendance


The madness of March is upon us. So is the joy of brackets, Cinderella stories and shining moments.

But what if the outcome of the NCAA tournament was decided not by wins and losses but instead by Cost of Attendance (COA)? Who would win ?

Thanks to Columbia Threadneedle Investments (no affiliation with CROSSWALK), we can see each school in both the women's and men's 2023 brackets listed alongside its COA.

Here is the women's bracket:

And the men's bracket:

And the winner is? If most expensive is your winner, then USC tops Stanford in the women's bracket and Northwestern bests USC for the men's championship.

Perhaps the real winner is what school provides the most value.

With March up on us, here's hoping your bracket is not busted, your COA is affordable and you can cut down the nets without crippling debt.

Don't forget, test scores and GPAs can be a path to greater affordability and CROSSWALK is here to do just that. At CROSSWALK, we boost GPAs, raise test scores and help students on their path to learning success.

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