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York Falcons Doing Work!

While many of you settled into a relaxing Monday evening the other night—perhaps by watching #MondayNightFootball—York students participated in CROSSWALK's "PSAT Dress Rehearsal."

The York School will soon administer the new digital PSAT for their sophomores and juniors. So they asked CROSSWALK to step in and offer an evening to provide some preparation for their students.

The session started with a deep question and answer session about the PSAT, SAT, ACT and the role of standardized testing in college admissions. Then students got a step-by-step preparatory "walk through" of what the new digital PSAT would be like. Kind of like a dress rehearsal, the session was intended to make all students more comfortable and confident with the digital PSAT.

Shout out to all Falcons who attended the course. It was a fast and furious couple of hours but in the end, the time spent on preparation will be fruitful. And a big thank you to York School for inviting CROSSWALK to do our part to help prepare the students.

If your school or organization would benefit from a test "dress rehearsal" or a question and answer session for students or parents about the role of standardized testing in college admissions, contact CROSSWALK. With over 20 years of test prep experience, CROSSWALK is fully prepared to prepare your students for the new digital PSAT, digital SAT and ACT. CROSSWALK also offers tutoring in all academic subjects.

Nice work, Falcons! And good luck on the PSAT!

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