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Midterm Turnaround

Hard to believe that most students have completed the first half of the fall term. Now that the days are getting shorter and the weather is getting cooler, fall is turning into winter very quickly.

If your student received a midterm grade for the fall term, now is the time to set up a plan for the rest of the term. Especially if your student is a senior who needs one more term of good grades to boost the GPA for college applications.

The beauty of midterms is that there is a ton of time for a turnaround. In fact, some teachers intentionally grade a bit lower at the midterm to try and motivate students to finish strong.

So if your student is facing a challenge in one or more classes, consider hiring a tutor. A private tutor can help push students towards better grades with personalized instruction.

Better yet, private tutors don't have to break the bank. At CROSSWALK, we work with families to make sure private tutoring is budget-friendly.

If you need to turn it around after the midterm, it is not too late. Hire a tutor to maximize your learning. Contact CROSSWALK today to learn more.

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