Hard to believe CROSSWALK Test Prep & Tutoring has officially been in business for 22 years.

CROSSWALK started with a market research project when Brooke Higgins, Founder and Lead Instructor, was an MBA student at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (previously known as the Monterey Institute of International Studies). And today, we celebrate 22 years of tutoring, test prep and supporting the learning goals of the local area.
The past two decades plus has seen three different SAT test versions, the elimination of SAT subject tests, the "test-optional" and "test free" explosion, a global pandemic, the move to digital testing formats and so much more.
Yet, here we stand still working with students to help them achieve learning objectives, improve GPAs, boost test scores, earn college admissions and access scholarships.
The CROSSWALK brand continues to center around a safe and supportive path for students to take on their way to school. Today, more than ever, CROSSWALK remains committed to that mission.
Join us today as we celebrate 22 years in business. We thank all the families, schools, counselors and partners who have trusted CROSSWALK to help their students.