Looking for resources for SAT prep? CROSSWALK has you covered.

Below are CROSSWALK's Top Five SAT Prep Resources (in descending order). If you are needing to prep for the SAT, you can start with any of these:
#5) Old SAT Tests: Since the SAT changed it's format in 2023, you would think that using old tests to prep for the new test is a bad idea. While that's true for the verbal sections, it is not true for the math sections. Do not use old SATs for verbal prep but definitely use old SATs to practice math questions. You might have to dig into Reddit or other recesses of the web, but if you find old SATs, the math questions are great practice.
#4) Kaplan SAT Prep: The Kaplan Digital SAT Prep book (available on Amazon) is a solid resource. Historically, Kaplan produces questions that are much like the real SAT questions. Other guidebooks and companies say they have similar questions, but Kaplan really does.
#3) Khan Academy: The SAT Prep on Khan Academy is produced in partnership with the College Board so the questions are real. Better yet, it tracks student performance and offers question sets indiviually tailored to student neeeds. Best of all, it's FREE!
#2) College Board: If you don't want to use Khan, the SAT Prep resources on the College Board website offer free tests to download via the website or via the Bluebook app. These tests are precisely what students need to get a sense of how long the test takes and what questions are asked. Like Khan Academy, these practice tests are free.
#1) CROSSWALK: No surprise here! Our tutors work individually with students to craft and follow a plan to improve test scores. There is no one-size-fits-all test prep plan so CROSSWALK will work with your needs, your schedule and your desired outcomes to make sure you are ready for test day. Online, in-person, small groups or self-paced, CROSSWALK has programs for you.
Need more help for SAT prep? Contact CROSSWALK today.