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If You Resolve to Get Better Grades, You Must Learn this Study Skill

What is your New Year’s resolution? Stay healthy? Make new friends? Get better grades? 

While all three resolutions are common for many teens, only one of them is actually quite easy to do.  Staying healthy is always a challenge. Maintaining a diet and exercise regimen requires great discipline.  Making new friends, for some people, can be equally as tough. Breaking out of your comfort zone to go out and meet people is not something that comes naturally for everyone.  Getting good grades, on the other hand, is a resolution that anyone can tackle. It’s really easier than you think if you just think like a teacher. Think like a teacher? How is that going to help you get better grades?  First of all, thinking like a teacher means knowing your content so well that you can teach someone else the same content. Having to teach someone else requires that you know everything forward and backward. If you were to approach your next study session with the goal that you need to be able to teach the material, you would have to master the content. If you master the content, then the next test or assessment will be quite easy and your grade would improve.  Second of all, thinking like a teacher also means putting yourself in your teacher’s shoes. Most teachers give fairly rigid instructions for assignments. Not only should you follow those instructions, you should think about what kinds of things your teacher would want to see from you. By following directions and anticipating what the teacher wants, you have the chance to produce something that will impress your teacher.  Thinking like a teacher is a self-effacing act that requires some diligence. But if you are able to do it successfully, your grades will improve. Learn more study skills by contacting CROSSWALK. CROSSWALK is the Monterey Peninsula’s local resource for academic tutoring, test prep and ACT/SAT Boot Camps.  Read 2400 SCORES by Brooke Higgins and learn how to apply life skills to your SAT prep. 

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