Mastering a musical instrument, playing a sport, or speaking a foreign language are all skills that take time to develop. So is test-taking.
Many students get overwhelmed by how to build the skill of test-taking. They think there is just too much to learn in too little time.
Which is why we at CROSSWALK offer a very simple, four step process for test prep. Follow these steps, put in the time, and watch your test-taking skill build:
1) Take an SAT or ACT: Take a practice test or an official one so that you know what the experience is like.
2) Score the Test: For practice tests, you might have to score it yourself. For official tests, you will get a score sent to you. Either way, be sure you know the result of Step #1.
3) Analyze the Results: To analyze your results, do two things: First, compare your overall score with your Goal Score. Use a scoring guide to figure out how many more correct answers you need to achieve your Goal Score. (Note: Your Goal Score is the score you need to get considered for admission into the schools of your choice. Find this information with a reputable college guide or on the website of the schools you are considering.) Second, dig deeper into results to chart out what kinds of questions were not correct. Start to categorize these incorrect answers into themes. For example, maybe you missed all of the vocabulary questions in the verbal section. Or you missed all of the graphing parabola questions in math. Once you have identified themes of incorrect answers, you have identified your weaknesses. Knowing what your weaknesses are is absolutely crucial.
4) Improve Weaknesses: Based on Step #3, spend time imrpoving your weaknesses. If you need help on vocabulary, download a game like Magoosh or find a Quizlet list of SAT words. If you need work on graphing parabolas, ask a teacher for help, jump on Khan Academy, or use YouTube to self-teach yourself this content.
And what happens after Step #4? You repeat the cycle.
That's it. That is the whole deal.
Pretty simple, right? To recap: Test, Score, Analyze and Improve. The repeat as often as you can.
In our experiences, students who intentionally and systematically complete this cycle 3-4 times see score improvement. This might take a few months of disciplined focus but the process will work.
So follow the Test Prep Cycle and you will know exactly how to spend your time. And when you spend the time, you build the skill.
Need help? Contact CROSSWALK.