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3 Must Answer Questions for Test Prep

Despite many changes in the SAT format and testing policies over the past 20 years, CROSSWALK has established a score-boosting routine with our students.

Our routine generally start by asking three essential questions to every student. How the student responds will directly inform their potential success.

If you are embarking on test prep or have a student that is about do so, start by answering these questions:

Question 1: What is your Goal Score?

By definition, a Goal Score is the score of admitted students into the school(s) of choice for the student. Determining this score is the key to the entire process as our students learn to plan backwards: start with the Goal Score, determine how many correct answers are needed for that score and work towards getting that number of answers correct.

Part of getting the Goal Score is also about understanding if potential colleges are test-blind, test-optional or test-required. But don't be fooled: test-optional really means submission-optional so make sure you are prepared.

Question 2: How much time do you have before test day?

The answer to this question determines the kind of test prep we do. With months of possible prep time, a student can get a lot done via a group class, private tutoring and/or routine self-study. On the other hand, with only weeks or days of possible prep time, the work is more about what to expect on test day and we usually just do a test "Dress Rehearsal" (example from the old SAT version here) so the student reduces any stress or anxiety about what to expect.

Question 3: How badly do you want to improve your score?

This may be the most important question. Make no mistake: test imrpovement is a direct correlation with student motivation. A student ready and willing to do the work can improve their score. After all, test taking is just a skill. Anyone can get better a skill with practice. However, a student not interested in the process will not improve their score. It's really that simple.

Once we know the answers to these questions, we are more prepapred to guide students to higher test scores which will help lead to more college admissions and scholarship chances.

So if you want to work with CROSSWALK to boost your test score, be prepared to answer these questions and considering joining our summer test prep progam which offers both group and private classes.

Happy prepping!

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