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How to Achieve More ACT and SAT Success


The ACT and the SAT are basically a numbers game. Scaled scores, raw scores, percentiles, number of correct answers to achieve your goal score, total questions, total minutes per section, points per minute, etc. It’s all about the numbers. 

But there is one number that is guaranteed to get your more successes on the SAT and ACT.  Failures. Yes, failures. The more failures you achieve, the more successes you build.  It’s the most basic numbers game of all and it is one salespeople know too well. If you want more sales, then go out and seek more rejection. Each rejection can teach you how to sell more and along the way some of those rejections will become successes. Same with the ACT and SAT. The more times you fail at a particular question type or section, the more you will succeed. You can learn from your failures and along the way you will figure out how to  achieve more success.  It’s not rocket science, it is just time on task. Put in the time, try problem after problem, dissect your score reports and learn how to get better.  As Napoleon Hill once said, “Patience, persistence and preparation make an unbeatable combination for success.”   I love students who come to me to say “I bombed that test.” The failure they see in their mind is a step closer to success in my mind.  Learn from your failures with CROSSWALK, the Monterey Peninsula’s local resource for SAT, ACT,  PSAT, SSAT and academic subjects. 

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